Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Enerpeel® Skin Peels
Enerpeel® Skin Peels
What are EnerPeels?
Enerpeel® skin peels don’t peel they remodel! Enerpeel® delivers treatment ingredients deep into the skin to target various skin conditions. Remodelling occurs without excessive exfoliation and surface trauma as discomfort, flaking and peeling are reduced with the depth of of action.
The Enerpeel® emphasis is on remodelling, restructuring, rejuvenating, reducing sun and age damage and controlling skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, thread veins, pigmentation of various types while also delivering an even toned, bright skin while ensuring you can carry on with life as normal.
The Different Enerpeel® systems contain specific ingredient combinations to target the active treatment components to each individual skin condition. The whole Enerpeel® range contains the ingredient MSM which has been shown to promote normal healing and to restrict chemicals that may cause irregular or abnormal healing. It also has calming properties and reduces irritation making the clinical experience much more comfortable.
How do the peels work?
ENERPEEL® is a carrier solution which restrains the key ingredients and their strength and can be adjusted to release the ingredients at the desired skin depth for maximal results. However, this is not a buffered peel. This mechanism of action minimises surface trauma which can cause reddening, frosting, peeling and downtime, but maximises the activity in the skin to promote improved skin structure and function. Ultimately, the ENERPEEL® system aims to correct many skin issues efficiently and far more effectively than standard peels by triggering gene expression of matrix remodelling components.
Are ENERPEEL® treatments safe?
All treatments carry a degree of risk and complications; these will all be discussed with you when you have a consultation prior to the treatment. Enerpeel technology not only improves results but also improves safety.
A skin assessment will be carried out to assess your skin type, identify any contraindications, diagnose the skin condition and identify what peel to use for the type of skin you have. This assessment will get your skin prepared appropriately and ensure the right pre care and after care is used to minimise risk of complications, and ensure that you get the best results safely.
What happens during treatment?
As part of your skin assessment, your clinician will advise on the best treatments/products for you to use at home to prepare your skin for the procedure. These products can be used prior, during and after treatment and can also be used long terms as part of your daily skin care routine and are designed to:
- Maximise treatment results
- Reduce post-treatment complications
- Reduce erythema
- Increase the skins recovery time
- Ensure the treatment ingredients can get to the desired level within the skin
On treatment day: Your skin will be surgically cleansed and prepared and the peel will be applied, with advice and post treatment care discussed and given
What happens afterwards?
After a peel you may notice that your skin is flushed, pink or red (almost like you have caught the sun that day) and your skin may also feel dry or tight. At or around day 3 post treatment you may experience some slight peeling or flaking. This is to be expected and will last 1 – 2 days. It is possible that you may have no peeling or flaking. If there is not peeling or flaking this does not mean that the peel is not working. The Enerpeel® system is designed to remodel from within with as little downtime and surface trauma as possible. The chance of all of side effects happening and how obvious they are all depends on the type of peel you have had. The more high strength peels often show these side effects for a longer period of time as a stronger acid will have been used.
To get you the best results from your peel and to help treat the side effects, you will be given skin preparation products prior to you treatment and you will also receive aftercare products and a treatment regime. All of these will be different depending on what peel you have had and your skin type.
It is important to wear SPF everyday post-procedure for at least 2 weeks and avoid products containing Retinol, Glycolic or any other exfoliating ingredients for the first week post-procedure.
After most EnerPeels® you should be ok to apply your usual makeup the following day. Avoid physical activity until the following day.
Does an Enerpeel treatment hurt?
During the procedure the patient may feel a mild to moderate stinging sensation which is normal, but monitored closely throughout. With the milder peels you may not feel anything. If you are having a higher strength peel then a stinging sensation can be expected. However it is not painful with discomfort scores typically ranging from 1 to 5 out of 10 depending on the individual. As all ENERPEEL® skin peels contain MSM, an anti- inflammatory ingredient, it means that any stinging or uncomfortable sensations are controlled.
How long will the results last?
This all depends on a number of factors
- Type of peel
- If you have used skin preparatory products
- If you use the aftercare products
- Whether you’ve had a single treatment or a course of treatments
Are there any side effects with Enerpeels?
The most common side effects are:
- Erythema, itchiness & Peeling
- Dryness
- Tenderness & Swelling
All of these side effects are normally temporary and are usually settled in a couple of days depending on which peel you have had.
Misusing peels can cause serious complications and side effects including:
- Skin damage
- Infection
- Scarring
- Increased or long-term sensitivity
- Altered pigmentation
How often can I have treatment?
You may repeat your treatment on an annual basis, but your clinician will advise accordingly. Some people 'top up' every few months to maintain results. A course of treatments may be required initially with monthly maintenance thereafter, but each individual circumstance will be identified and discussed accordingly with your clinician.
Can anyone have an Enerpeel®?
Your clinician will complete a skin assessment with you to decide whether you are suitable to have an EnerPeel® and to evaluate which EnerPeel® protocol would the best for you.
Enerpeel treatments will not be carried out if any of the below apply:
- If you are pregnant or breastfeeding
- If you are allergic to salicylic acid (aspirin) for salicylic containing peels only
- We may not peel in an area where there was active Herpes simplex (cold sores). Those prone to cold sores may be advised to use an anti-viral cream for a number of days before peeling that area.
- Recent Surgery (up to the last 6 months, although typically the clinician is looking to see skin has fully recovered from the procedure before peeling that area).
- Recent laser treatments (up to the last 6 months, although typically the clinician is looking to see skin has fully recovered from the procedure before peeling that area).
- Dermabrasion treatments and any other treatment that may alter or compromise the cutaneous structure (typically the clinician is looking to see skin has fully recovered from the procedure before peeling that area).
- Immunosuppressive diseases
- Previous radiotherapy of the skin portion to be the exfoliated that might compromise the physiological regeneration of the skin (peels are used by radio therapists as well, so this may vary depending on clinical need)
- Family history of developing keloid or hypertrophic scars (pre care treatment may mean peeling is possible for hypertrophic risk)
- Family history of developing post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (pre care treatment and correct assessment and evaluation may mean peeling is possible)
- Other medical considerations